Email Collection Prohibited

The email addresses displayed on this website are protected from unauthorized collection by automated means such as email harvesting programs. Any violation of this policy may result in criminal penalties under the Information and Communications Network Act.

Please note that this website employs fake email addresses that are designed to capture spam emails. Any email sent to these addresses will be reported.

Relevant Law Article 50-2 of the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection stipulates that anyone who collects, sells, distributes, or uses email addresses obtained through unauthorized automated means shall be subject to a fine not exceeding KRW 10 million. 

(1) No person shall collect email addresses from an internet homepage that clearly indicates a refusal to collect email addresses, using a program or other technical device that automatically collects email addresses. 

(2) No person shall sell or distribute email addresses collected in violation of paragraph (1). 

(3) No person shall use an email address that is prohibited from being collected, sold, or distributed pursuant to paragraphs (1) and (2) for the purpose of transmitting information.